Women’s bodies were as much the metaphor of exploratory
longing as the theme that caused this year’s Oscars to hit an all time low. The
85th Academy Awards opened with the song “We Saw Your Boobs” - vexing for many
reasons, not least the undermining of professional women by a still largely
white boys’ club. That the song was sung by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los
Angeles, only further proves how the pursuit for mainstream acceptance can
devolve into a minstrel show of insensitivity to other minorities. Breasts, it
would seem, continue to denote the confusion men have with shifting boundaries,
both in the landscape of the film industry and in commerce generally. Note
Oscar host Seth MacFarlane’s conflation of xenophobia and misogyny in a joke
that simultaneously acknowledges and belittles gender and ethnic diversity when
he said of Salma Hayek that it mattered little if she could be understood or
not, because “she’s hot.”
The incestuousness inherent within
Columbus’ hunt for the elusive feminized unknown was intensified by “dreams of pepper
and pearls,” McClintock adds, combining the allure of rare foreign goods with
domestic necessity. It is reminiscent of the quest for spices and converts by
Columbus’ contemporary Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese explorer who did find the
sea route to India in 1498, leading to Goa’s later conquest by Afonso de
Albuquerque. And while the Prime Minister of a certain island refused to return
that famous crown jewel to the former jewel in the crown, David Cameron’s visit
last month made it quite clear that the desire for the erstwhile Indies has not
tarnished. No doubt, globalization has added sparkle to India’s brand as its
economic fortunes experience a sea-change. The island Pi “discovers” is like
this rediscovered India - it could never be unknown. Its existence is already
prefigured, first by the colonial past and, then, globalization. Life of Pi is quintessentially
emblematic of the latter, what with its having been written by a French Canadian, directed by a Taiwanese
American, centred on a French-named Indian boy and a Bengal tiger with a
British moniker, who are lost at sea upon the sinking of their ship – a Japanese
vessel headed for North America. The course is set and new jewels are up for
To see this article in its original appearance, click here.
Excellent article...while Seth's humor works for his cartoon characters... its delivery on the Oscar stage kind of reeks...Leo
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by the blog, Leo, and for the comment. What MacFarlane epitomized at this year's Oscars is the industry's unabashed white male privilege. The reiteration of the same through the "We Saw Your Boobs" song, and other allegedly comedic bits, denote the difficulty Hollywood has in coming to terms with the presence of women and people of colour. Where globalization has extended the market in some ways, issues of representation and multiculturalism continue to be at the fore.